I love Estonian beef liver
Beef liver

Beef Liver Pâté served with Handmade Bread, Pickles and Onion Jam
NPO Liivimaa Lihaveis was founded by the bigger Estonian beef cattle farmers who raise Angus and Hereford breeds, with the purpose of promoting and marketing beef raised on grassland. The cattle of members is raised on the historical Livonian area and has organic certification.
We have cooperated with NPO Liivimaa Lihaveis before and we’ve always been very happy with them. The liver that they offer hasn’t been in our menu before and we decided to give it a try. It’s an exquisite product, pure flavours are the key word.
Liver has a very characteristic taste which you’ll remember for a long time, and if you also prepare it well, this excellent taste will haunt your memories for a long time.
Restaurant Werner